APRIL PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP open for registration
Want to learn how to use your digital camera? Jump into my next 2 day hands-on workshop!
WHERE: University of Hawaii, Maui College
WHEN: April 2-3 from 9-12pm
HOW: https://elwd.maui.hawaii.edu/
DESCRIPTION: You've got a DSLR camera, now what? This hands-on workshop with Aubrey Hord, Cr.Photog.CPP, covers the basics of how to navigate your camera's settings and how to get started shooting with the manual setting to create the photographs you envision. Students will learn about ISO, shutter speed, and aperture to create the correct exposure-along with focus, metering white balance, lens choice, filters, and more.
Section ART6100 - 006
02 Apr 2025 - 03 Apr 2025, W, Th 9:00AM-12:00PM, 2 mtgs